Hello Investor

Welcome to the first step into a new world

Some time ago we wanted to take our website boekmetnaam.nl ((bookwithname) personalized books for children) to the next level by also offering the books digitally and downloadable.

We wrote a pitch for investors and 2023 would be the year for that app.

But then early 2023, A.I. suddenly became available to everyone with open A.I., Bard and more.

This revelation ignited my creative juices, transforming the initial pitch into an even more compelling concept. With the advent of AI, the possibilities became virtually limitless, opening doors to seamless global outreach and multilingual engagement. The ability to seamlessly connect with audiences worldwide, without the constraints of language barriers, presents a remarkable opportunity to revolutionize educational experiences through interactive storytelling.

The foundation has been laid, but now we need to create and maintain momentum. This requires a team of professionals.

While we possess a wealth of knowledge and experience across various domains, we recognize that our expertise is not comprehensively encompassing all aspects required for project success. While we have a grasp of the fundamental elements, we lack in-depth proficiency in areas such as coding and marketing. Therefore, we seek collaboration with individuals or teams who possess specialized expertise in these areas to complement our collective knowledge and drive the project to its full potential.

To make this project a professional success and to stand out from the competition (which will come naturally), we need a professional team of people who work together on this project. People who discuss their challenges with each other and turn them into a fantastic experience to inspire children around the world to read and write, develop fantasy and creativity.

  • We need a professional app developer, a UX designer, and an interface designer.
  • Of course, in addition to a high-quality and intuitive app, a marketing expert.
  • In addition to marketing, a support team is needed to continue listening to users and to be able to innovate and test.
  • And of course, my knowledge, experience, and vision in the field of personalized books.

How will we monetize the app?

My own motivation, beyond the fact that I naturally need to support my family, is that at my age I have come to realize that working hard for just an income is not satisfying. Time to start living a different live. For me, the app is not just an app, but a project. I would like to see a portion of the profits used to give less fortunate children around the world the opportunity to learn to read, write, and develop their creativity and imagination.

The app targets children, but there is no reason why adults cant have fun with it too. I see possibilities to provide the app to care robots for lonely people and dementia patients. And the app can make the lives of visually and hearing impaired people better and more enjoyable. 

But Of course, a team of professionals and an investor need to make money, as will I.

Testing of the first 3 stories will be free.

  • recurring subscription app
  • in-app sales of (children’s) tablets on which the app is pre-installed.
  • Physical books In the near future, the user-created stories, as well as our standard personal stories and those of colleagues, may be produced in physical book form. (initially in the Netherlands because we already have the contacts and opportunities there and the Netherlands is a perfect testing ground).

I hope you share my vision and that I can interest you in a fantastic journey with a great product and an even brighter future.

Bopedo: Where stories come to life, and imagination takes flight. A lasting experience.

With warmest regards,
Ronald Lubach

Embark on an Epic Journey with BoPeDo, the App that Unleashes Creativity and Fosters Educational Fun for Children Everywhere!

Imagine a world where children’s imaginations soar, literacy skills flourish, and learning becomes an unforgettable adventure. This extraordinary vision is about to become a reality with BoPeDo, the AI-powered story generator that empowers creativity and ignites a passion for learning in children of all ages.

Why You Should Invest in BoPeDo

Our passion for storytelling and our expertise in creating personalized experiences set us apart as the ideal team to bring BoPeDo to life. We have a proven track record of success with our previous venture, boekmetnaam.nl, which has been providing personalized children’s books for over 20 years. This experience has given us the insights and skills we need to develop an exceptional AI-powered story generator that will captivate children worldwide.

Our Experience and Expertise

Our journey to BoPeDo began with boekmetnaam.nl, a small-scale project that allowed us to create personalized children’s books for our customers. As we delved deeper into storytelling and personalization, we recognized the immense potential of technology to enhance the storytelling experience. This led us to explore the possibilities of AI-powered story generation, which ultimately gave rise to BoPeDo.

Our Current Company and Why We Need to Focus on BoPeDo

While we have been successfully running our company since 1996, we believe that BoPeDo holds the key to making a more significant impact on the world. To fully dedicate ourselves to this groundbreaking project, we need to shift our focus entirely to BoPeDo. This requires us to discontinue our current company and embrace a new chapter in our entrepreneurial journey.

What We Need Your Investment For

Your financial support will enable us to make BoPeDo a reality. With the funds raised, we will:

  • Hire talented developers to create a seamless and user-friendly app experience.
  • Recruit experienced graphic designers to craft an engaging and visually appealing interface.
  • Engage skilled marketing professionals to promote BoPeDo and reach a global audience of children and parents.

Invest in Us and Join Us in Making a Difference

By investing in BoPeDo, you are not just supporting a promising venture; you are empowering children worldwide to unleash their creativity, foster a love for learning, and create stories that will inspire and amaze for generations to come. Your contribution will help us achieve our mission of making BoPeDo accessible to children everywhere, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

Join us in this extraordinary endeavor and help us revolutionize the way children learn and experience stories.

Invest in BoPeDo today and help us bring the power of stories to the world!

Together, we can ignite a generation of creative, literate minds.

Of course, there must be a quid pro quo.

Kickstarter investors ( We are looking fo 10.000 backers/app testers who will back the project with minimum of $ 50 per person) 

I’m sure it’s not enough for you to know that you’ve made the world a lot more beautiful with BoPeDo. That you make children happy, help their development. That you make the (lonely) elderly happy and improve the world.

But we don’t ask for a kickstart for nothing. So what can we offer?

In return, once the app is well established, you will receive free access to Bopedo. you will also receive an honorable mention as thanks for your support. That makes you immortal as long as BoPeDo will exist. You will be on our digital wall of fame.

More importantly, you live in the knowledge that you have contributed to changing lives.

But we absolutely will not forget your help, and as Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs, we will also make good financially, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. We are not in it just for the money and we love to share. You will get your share. I will make sure of that.

Angel Investors:

While this page was specifically designed for Kickstarter investors, we are open to connecting with angel investors who are interested in learning more about our innovative app and the potential for significant returns on investment. We are seeking partners who share our vision for this groundbreaking technology and are committed to collaborating with us to bring it to fruition.

The app offers a unique and transformative platform for individuals to engage with storytelling, education, and personal development. We believe that this technology has the potential to positively impact millions of users worldwide, and we are confident that it can yield exceptional returns for our investors. However, as with any venture capital investment, success hinges upon the app’s ability to capture widespread user interest and adoption. Therefore, we are seeking partners who share our commitment to prioritizing user engagement and building a truly impactful product.

If you are an angel investor with a passion for innovation and a belief in the transformative power of technology, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss the possibilities. Together, we can make a real difference in the world while achieving significant financial success.

We are confident that with your support, BoPeDo will not only become a beloved app for children worldwide but also a testament to the transformative power of storytelling and technology. Together, let’s make the world a little more beautiful. Invest in Bopedo and let’s write a new chapter together!


Who is Ronald LubachFor most investors, BoPeDo is a great way to get a return on investment. The app is available in all languages, so the potential to reach a lot of people is huge. In addition, the app is innovative and fun, and we will continue to develop it. So, as an investor the potential is hugh.For Ronald, however, it is more than that. For Ronald, it is an opportunity to leave the world a better place than he found it. 

Husband, father, entrepreneur with over 37 years of experience in business

Ronald was born on October 9, 1966, in the Netherlands. After completing his education and military service, he owned a poffertjes (Dutch pancakes) restaurant in Spain. He has worked as an IT (enter)trainer (ICL Fujitsu), call center and office manager for a marketing agency. For the past 25 years, Ronald is co-owner of De Borduurshop BV and BoekmetNaam.nl.

As a 57-year-old entrepreneur from the Netherlands. Ronald has a long history of success in business, but has always been passionate about education. He believes that education is the key to solving some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as poverty, war, and environmental degradation.

His experience with boekmetnaam.nl was the basis to become the founder of BoPeDo, a new educational app that is designed to be both fun, creative, and effective.


Advocate for education

Ronald has always been passionate about education and strongly believes that education is the key to a better future for everyone. He came into contact with “Super Learning” as a trainer for the I.T. and call center support company ICL Fujitsu, thanks to his coach, trainer, and role model, Kamau Ifoma.

Kamau called himself an entertrainer and believed learning should not be boring. All senses should be stimulated when learning.

Ronald is a strong advocate for educational equity. Children, regardless of their background, deserve access to a quality education.


In his words; 

“I firmly believe in BoPeDo’s power to effect meaningful change.

While it’s commonly stated that children are our future, these words must be backed by action. Change is not always better, and true change isn’t just any alteration; it’s a focused improvement. To truly enhance our world, we must begin with our children. That’s where BoPeDo comes in – it’s not just change, it’s a significant step forward.”

We differentiate ourselves in the large amount of extras the app offers, but most importantly we differentiate ourselves in the personalization options. You make the story completely personal

But above all, the BoPeDo story generator app is FUN for young and young at heart!

Copyright BoPeDo ©,
Chamber of Commerce NL: 92541488
Branch nr. 000058137998
VAT: NL0049640423B31
Whatsapp +31 (0)6 2020 9805
Address: Slangenburg 8
7608RG Almelo Netherlands
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